суббота, 6 февраля 2016 г.


6 лютого 1952 року на престол зійшла Елизавета ІІ, керівнича королева і глава держави Сполученого Королівства Великої Британії та Північної Ірландії, глава 15 держав Співдружності націй.

The Official Title of the Queen
Her Majesty The Queen's title in the United Kingdom is:
'Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'.
Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne 
on February 6, 1952 upon the death of her father, King George VI. Her Coronation, at Westminster Abbey, followed on June 2, 1953.
Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926 in London. Her birthday is officially celebrated in Britain on the 3rd Saturday of June each year.
Queen Elizabeth Il is a 'constitutional monarch'. This means that although she is officially the head of the state, the country is actually run by the government, led by the Prime Minister.
The Queen lives at Buckingham Palace.

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