понедельник, 4 июля 2016 г.

The Fourth of July is the United States’ official birthday


Independence Day is a national federal holiday celebrated on 4 July every year.              It commemorates the date that the original 13 colonies declared their independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain by adopting the Declaration of Independence. The holiday is called the Fourth of July in casual conversation, but Independence Day is its official name.                                                                                                                        
Since Independence Day is a public holiday, all federal, state, and local government buildings are closed for business. Most factories and other companies are closed and their employees typically receive the day off with pay. Some service-related companies remain open during the holiday, including restaurants, stores, department stores, and vehicle repair shops. Recreational businesses and tourist attractions that cater to people with leisure time usually enjoy brisk business.                                                                    
It is common for most cities and towns to have fireworks displays on Independence Day. Although fireworks are illegal in many states, most communities tolerate private fireworks displays on this day. Parades, fairs, carnivals, concerts, and ceremonies also take place during this holiday.                                                                                       

Families frequently have reunions featuring barbecues and small fireworks displays. Families also enjoy playing sports on this public holiday like volleyball, softball, and horseshoes. Many people display flags on their lawns to honor the nation.                         
The Fourth of July is the United States’ official birthday, so other countries do not observe it although many countries have similar holidays such as France’s Bastille Day or Mexico’s Grito de Dolores’ celebration.                                                                

Independence Day is the second of three summer federal holidays. It comes in the middle of summer when the United States is sweltering. The Fourth of July is a beloved patriotic holiday when many people take vacations to the mountains, seashore, and national parks for fishing, camping, and water sports.

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