Дистанційне навчання
7 клас
7 клас
Мета уроку:
навчати учнів письмовому мовленні по темі "Українські традиції";
систематизувати знання лексичного матеріалу учнями;
сприяти розширенню філологічного світогляду учнів та підвищенню їхньої загальної культури;
формувати в учнів внутрішню мотивацію до навчання.
1.Warming up
Answer the questions:
1 What season is it now?
Answer the questions:
1 What season is it now?
2. What month is it now?
3.What spring holidays do you know?
4.What date is it today?
5. What holiday will be next Sunday?
2.Read the text .

The date of this holiday varies according to the church calendar. This celebration of the Orthodox calendar falls on the last Sunday of Lent. This holiday precedes the most important Christian holiday Easter and is celebrated exactly one week before it.
According to the Gospel, when Jesus Christ raised Lazarus from the dead, the people who witnessed it believed that he was really the Son of God. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people honored him by spreading their cloths on his path and waving palm branches.
But palm trees don’t grow in Ukraine so in the Orthodox tradition, it was replaced by a willow, a plant, which blooms in early spring and symbolizes the beginning of a new life. The willow branches symbolize Palm Sunday for the people of Ukraine. The feast is popularly called Willow Sunday and the whole week is called the Willow Week.On this day pussy-willow branches are blessed in the church.
After Palm Sunday services, it was customary for Ukrainians to tap each other with the blessed pussy willow branches. Tapping of friends with the pussy willow branches was actually a wish for good health, wealth and happiness. The people tap one another with these branches repeating the wish: “Be as tall as the willow, as healthy as the water and as rich as the Earth. Not I am tapping, the willow is tapping. Easter is in a week!” The blessed willow branches are taken home and kept until the next Easter.
3.Answer the questions in written form.
Send me the photo of your answers in Viber.
1. What is the name of a Palm Sunday in Ukraine?
2.What do the willow branches symbolize ?
3. Where do people bless the willow branches this day?
4. What do people do with the blessed pussy willow branches ?
5. Are the blessed willow branches taken home and kept until the next Easter or until the next Christmass?
4.Make 5 questions to the sentence in written form.
Send me the photo of your answers in Viber.
Ukrainian people will celebrate Willow Sunday in two days.
5.Homework: Play the game Send me the photo of your answers in Viber.
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