понедельник, 11 января 2021 г.



Form 8




Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення з опорою на лексико-граматичні структури; розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань і повагу до традицій інших народів.   


1. Warm-up

Types of schools in Britain. Complete the chart with the following words.

 Secondary, further education, infant, nursery, junior, primary.



Type of school

3-5 years

5-11 years

5-7 years

7-11 years

11-16 years

16-18 years


2. Speaking

Do ex. 1 (a), p. 68.

Don’t forget to express your opinion:

I think/believe

It seems to me

3. Reading

Do ex. 1 (b), p. 68.

Practice the new vocabulary. Find the following words and expressions in the text and give their English equivalents:

типова школа -

вивчати предмети -

початкова школа -

інформатика -

середня школа -

однокласник -

однакові предмети -


складати іспити -

вступити (до музичної групи, клубу)-

національні екзамени -

належати до клубу-

ще два роки -

ніхто з них-



Fill in the chart.


Great Britain


Primary school

Secondary school

School starts


School finishes

Activities after school



4. Writing

Do ex. 2, p. 70.

5. Speaking

Using the chart above do ex. 3, p. 70.

6. Reading

Read the dialogue about a typical day at American school and answer the questions.

Alice. Ostap, would you like to school with me tomorrow?

Ostap. Sure. I have never been in an American school, what is the typical day like at school?

Alice. Well, first we go to our homeroom class. Homeroom is where the teacher finds out which students are in school and which are absent. This class only lasts for ten minutes.

Ostap. Were you absent very much this year?

Alice. No. I wasn’t absent at all this year.

Ostap. What do you do after homeroom?

Alice. After homeroom we go to our first real class. We have seven classes, or periods, including lunchtime. Each period lasts 45 minutes.

Ostap. What is your first class?

Alice. My first class is history. We study American history all year. My history teacher is my favourite teacher. I have known her for several years.

Ostap. What other classes are you taking this year /

Alice. I’m also studying Spanish. Spanish is a very important language to know, because there are many immigrants who came to America from Spanish-speaking countries.

Оstap. Do you study maths and science too?

Alice. Yes, of course. I’m taking algebra and earth science.

Ostap. What is earth science?

Alice. Earth science is the study of the earth. For example, we learn how the earth has changed since the beginning of time. We also learn about the weather and we learn how to protect the environment.

Ostap. That sounds interesting.


Answer the questions.

1. Has Ostap ever been in an American school?

2. How long does the homeroom class last?

3. How long does every other class last?

4. What does the homeroom teacher do?

5. How many times was Alice absent this year?

6. What is Alice studying in history class?

7. How long has she been studying it?

8. What language is Alice studying? Why?

9. What is Alice studying in science class?

10. Who is Alice’s favourite teacher?


7. Summary

Do ex. 4, p. 70.


8. Homework

Do ex. 5, p. 71 (get ready with the information and think out your own ideas as for different types of schools in Ukraine for the next lesson).