вторник, 14 апреля 2020 г.

Дистанційне навчання
Мета уроку:
тренувати учнів в монологічному та діалогічному мовленні з опорою на текст; 
навчати учнів письмовому мовленні по темі "Easter";
систематизувати знання лексичного  матеріалу учнями;
сприяти розширенню  філологічного світогляду учнів та підвищенню їхньої загальної культури; 
формувати в учнів внутрішню мотивацію до навчання.                              

1. Warming up 

I’d like to begin our lesson with the words "Traditions make our history” Everyone has to know traditions of  his country and his nation. And one side of the traditions is holidays. Today we are going to speak about one of these holidays. It’s Easter.  Easter is the most important Christian holiday of the year. It is the feast of Christ’s resurrection. In Ukraine Easter is called Velykden.Each holiday has its symbols. Now I’d like you to read  about symbols of Easter. 

Easter Vocabulary  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlpabcCEmtU

 2. Now let's  read some of the idiots associated with eggs and rabbits.

     To egg someone on підбурювати когось на щось

      To put all your eggs in one basket – покласти всі яйця в одну корзину, тобто, ризикувати всім відразу
To teach someone’s grandmother to suck eggs – не вчити вченого
To walk on egg shells – бути дуже дипломатичним і необразливим
You can not make an omelette without breaking eggs – Не розбивши яйцеомлет не приготуєш, дрова рубаютьтріски летять
 A chicken and egg situation – ситуація, в якій важко вирішити яка з двох подій відбулося раніше іншої.

     To be like a rabbit caught in the headlights – бути настільки наляканим або здивованим, що втратити здатність рухатися або думати.

    To pull a rabbit out of the hat – зробити щось дивовижне.

3. Read the text

Easter is a religious holiday. People put on their, holiday clothes. On the eve of Easter a lot of people go to the church for the whole night. People usually congratulate each other on Easter Day with the words “Christ has risen from the dead”. The answer to this congratulation is “In truth. He’s risen from the dead. ”In Ukraine we have special attributes of the holiday. The Ukrainians call Easter eggs “pysanka”. They bake Easter cakes according to the special recipe. These cakes are called “paska”. It is a very nice spring holiday.

The Vocabulary

  • Easter – Великдень
  • Religious – релігійний
  • A church – церква
  • To congratulate with – поздоровляти 3
  • Christ – Христос
  • Has risen from the dead – воскрес
  • In truth – воістину
  • An attribute – ознака
  • To bake – пекти
  • According to – відповідно до
  • A recipe – рецепт

4. Answer the questions in written form:

What holiday is Easter?
Where do people go on the eve of Easter?
What words do people usually say when they congratulate each other on Easter?
What are the special attributes of the holiday in Ukraine?
Does your mother or grandmother bake “paska”?

Send me the photo of your answers in Viber.

5. Do the test:

1.Christians celebrate Easter to mark

a) Jesus's birthday
b)Jesus's rising from the dead
c) The birth of Jesus


2. What kind of songs do Christians sing at Easter?

a) Hymns
b) Marching songs
c) Children's songs

3. Which of these things do people eat at Easter?

a) Easter salad
b) Easter eggs
c) Easter ice-cream


4. When is Easter celebrated?

a) In autumn
b) In winter
c) In summer
d) In spring


5. Which color is traditional for painting eggs in?

a) Blue
b) Brown
c) Green
d) Red


6. Which of these things Christians don't do?


a)  Fly kites
b)  Send Easter cards to relatives and friends
c)   Sing hymns
d)  Go to church

7. How you should answer on "Christ has risen"?

a) “In truth. He’s risen from the dead.”
b) "Aloha"
c) "My name's Ralph, and I'm a good guy."
 d) "I come in peace!"

Відповіді надайте  у Viber таким чином: Ex. 1: цифра-буква

 6.Homework: Get ready to answer  the questions:

Every country has its traditions and customs to celebrations of Easter.
Everyone of us celebrate Easter with your family. It’s very interesting for me to know:

-          How do you celebrate this holiday?

-         Do you help your mother to prepare for this holiday? What do you do?

-         Do you go to the church at Easter? What do you take with you?

-         Do you have special traditions of celebrations of Easter?

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