вторник, 17 мая 2016 г.

                         EDWARD JENNER 1749-1823
Edward Jenner was an English physician, the discoverer of vaccination. He was born at Berkley, Gloucestershire, on May 17, 1749. Jenner studied medicine in London at St George’s Hospital. He began practice in Berkeley in 1773 when he was 24 years old.
           Edward Jenner liked to observe and inves­tigate things ever since he was a boy. This led to the discovery of vaccination against smallpox. Today cases of smallpox are very rare because almost every baby in the world is vaccinated against this disease.
           Edward Jenner was a country boy. He lived in a quiet village that he loved. Nature Study was Jenner’s favourite pastime. He loved and understood country life. When John Hunter*, the famous naturalist, asked him to study the habits of the cuckoo, Jenner, after hours of patient watching, discovered what really happened.

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